owasp secure coding practices 2019 pdf

SQL injection

Daniel is a professional hacker who is attempting to perform an SQL injection attack on a target website, www.moviescope.com. During this process, he encountered an IDS that detects SQL injection attempts based on predefined signatures. To evade any comparison statement, he attempted placing characters such as ‘” or ‘1’=’1″ in any basic injection statement such “or 1=1.” Identify the evasion technique used by Daniel in the above scenario.

Daniel is a professional hacker who is attempting to perform an SQL injection attack on a target website, www.moviescope.com. During this process, he encountered an IDS that detects SQL injection attempts based on predefined signatures. To evade any comparison statement, he attempted placing characters such as ‘” or ‘1’=’1″ in any basic injection statement such “or 1=1.” Identify the evasion technique used by Daniel in the above scenario. Option 1 : Variation Option 2 : …

Daniel is a professional hacker who is attempting to perform an SQL injection attack on a target website, www.moviescope.com. During this process, he encountered an IDS that detects SQL injection attempts based on predefined signatures. To evade any comparison statement, he attempted placing characters such as ‘” or ‘1’=’1″ in any basic injection statement such “or 1=1.” Identify the evasion technique used by Daniel in the above scenario. Read More »

CISSP Configuration Management as an Aspect of Secure Coding – Bk1D8T2St2

Configuration management is an aspect of secure coding. A security professional needs to understand what configuration management is, what its essential properties are, and how  it works within secure coding. In particular, configuration management is a fundamental aspect of secure coding in the following ways: Maintaining a durable configuration history Providing a foundation for a secure coding environment Creating secure baselines It has been said that software programming is the only art form that fights …

CISSP Configuration Management as an Aspect of Secure Coding – Bk1D8T2St2 Read More »