SQL injection (SQLi) attacks attempt to inject SQL syntax into web requests, which may bypass authentication and allow attackers to access and/or modify data attached to a web application. Which of the following SQLi types leverages a database server’s ability to make DNS requests to pass data to an attacker?

SQL injection (SQLi) attacks attempt to inject SQL syntax into web requests, which may bypass authentication and allow attackers to access and/or modify data attached to a web application. Which of the following SQLi types leverages a database server’s ability to make DNS requests to pass data to an attacker? Option 1 : Union-based SQLi Option 2 : In-band SQLi Option 3 : Out-of-band SQLi Option 4 : Time-based blind SQLi 1. Union-based SQLi Union …

SQL injection (SQLi) attacks attempt to inject SQL syntax into web requests, which may bypass authentication and allow attackers to access and/or modify data attached to a web application. Which of the following SQLi types leverages a database server’s ability to make DNS requests to pass data to an attacker? Read More »