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SQL injection
Daniel is a professional hacker who is attempting to perform an SQL injection attack on a target website, www.moviescope.com. During this process, he encountered an IDS that detects SQL injection attempts based on predefined signatures. To evade any comparison statement, he attempted placing characters such as ‘” or ‘1’=’1″ in any basic injection statement such “or 1=1.” Identify the evasion technique used by Daniel in the above scenario. Option 1 : Variation Option 2 :
Susan, a software developer, wants her web API to update other applications with the latest information. For this purpose, she a user-defined HTTP callback or push APIs that are raised based on trigger events; when invoked, this feature supplies data to other applications so that users can instantly receive real-time information. Which of the following techniques is employed by Susan? Option 1 : RESET API Option 2 : SOAP API Option 3 : Web shells
Andrew is an Ethical Hacker who was assigned the task of discovering all the active devices hidden by a restrictive firewall in the IPv4 range in a given target network. Which of the following host discovery techniques must he use to perform the given task? Option 1: ARP ping scan Option 2: TCP Maimon sacn Option 3: ACK flag prob sacn Option 4: UDP scan 1. ARP ping scan One of the foremost common Nmap
Sam is a penetration tester hired by Inception Tech, a security organization. He was asked to perform port scanning on a target host in the network. While performing the given task, Sam sends FIN/ACK probes and determines that an RST packet is sent in response by the target host, indicating that the port is closed. What is the port scanning technique used by Sam to discovers open ports? Option 1 : IDLE/IPID header scan Option
You have been authorized to perform a penetration test against a website. You want to use Google dorks to footprint the site but only want results that show file extensions. What Google dork operator would you use? Option 1 : inurl Option 2 : site Option 3 : ext Option 4 : filetype 1. inurl Find pages with a certain word (or words) in the url. For this example, any results containing the word “apple”

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